ISSN : 0036-5351
Editor in Chief : PhDr. Helga Turková
Editor in Chief : PhDr. Helga Turková
On Forming Academic Study of the Media between the Wars
Barbara Köpplová, Jan Jirák
The text considers the state of media studies in late 1920s and early 1930s in former Czechoslovakia. The decades between two world wars were quite fruitful period in the history of Czech reflections on the media, press and journalism. A new academic journal Duch novin [The Spirit of…
Language and Style of Mass Media in the Perspective of Prague functional stylistics
Jiří Kraus
The paper concentrates on theoretical and methodological contribution of the Prague Linguistic Circle in the pre-war period as well as of its afterwar followers.
On Polysemy of Media Discourse
Tereza Rábová
The article deals with selected concepts used for media discourse analysis. Concepts of discourse analysis balancing on the edge of linguistics, pragmatics and semantics will be introduced. The importance is put on the transdisciplinarity and contextual framework of single concepts while…
Film and Cinema as a Part of Media History
Petr Szczepanik
The article raises a question of differences between how film studies and media studies understand history of film as a medium. The differences stem not only from predominantly entertainment function of film culture, but also from the institutional history of film studies versus media…
Research and Publication Trends in New Media Studies in 2006-2010: a Historical Perspective
Radka Kohutová
New media entered and continuously alter our everyday lives and routines, and even societies at the macro level, in the very extensive and nonreversible way (especially since the so-called 'dot.com Revolution' in 1990s). They affect a current nature of communication and…
Regional Media as a Source for Studying Regional History
Robert Krejcar
Regional press is mostly the only source of information that we have at our disposal for studying regional history in some territories and periods. PhDr. Hippolyt Tauschinski (1839 – 1905) lived and worked in Česká Lípa for a short time. He had been the first chairman of the Austrian…
The Participation of Journalistic Union on Forming Post-War Media Law
Jan Cebe
The paper discusses the development of media legislation in Czechoslovakia between 1945–1948. It focuses in particular on the role of the Union of Czech Journalists in the preparation of legislative standards and approval. It shows that the UCJ in this case from beginning fully support the…
On the Past and the Future of the Music Periodicals
Jan Vedral
The article is focused on music periodicals in the Czech Republic in comparison to Great Britain and seeks to answer the questions of future of the music periodicals. It explores the change of the habits of the audience, the content and the organization of work in music magazines, as well…
Economic Depression in 1930 and 2008. How LN and MF Dnes Reflected the Increase of Unemployment
Tomáš Lysoněk
This study compares reactions of two selected Czech daily – Lidove noviny in 1930 and Mlada fronta in 2008 – to expansion of economic depression which forces employers to reduce cost of production and cost of labor force. The easiest way of reducing costs was cutting-down the number of…
From Friendship to Hate. Comparison of the Media Image of The Soviet Union after the signature of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and after the Operation Barbarossa
Lenka Lysoňková
After approval of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Soviet Union was defined as a partner, which helped Germany to maintain “peace and order” in Europe. After the Operation Barbarossa, the Soviet Union was presented as an enemy of Germany and therefore also as an enemy of Protectorate of…
Inception of Orbis Press Agency in 1977 as a Reaction against Foreign Support to Charter 77
Jakub Železný
Charter 77 had been the most significant and most influential Czech civic initiative during the period usually called „normalization“. This paper describes the abroad targeted part of the campaign against Charter 77, wielded by Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of…
Media, Public and Political Agenda at a Local Level
Jan Jirků
The contribution proposes a methodological approach to explore the links among media, public and political agenda at the local level. Local level in this case refers to the lowest administrative territorial units of the state. Whilst for the research evolving from the concept of Agenda-setting…
Celebritization in Czech political communication in the last 20 years – introductive reflections and findings
Markéta Štechová, Jan Křeček
The article offers a basic theoretical and analytical insight into the questions of celebritization in political communication. It defines „celebrity“ and „celebritization“ and proposes different ways to analyze the phenomenon. The quantitative content analysis of the appearance…