ISSN : 0374-1036 (print) 1804-6487 (online)
Editor in Chief : Kment Petr
Editor in Chief : Kment Petr
Nomen nudum Isophya tatrica Mařan, 1957, belongs to I. camptoxypha Fieber, 1853 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Jaroslav Holuša, Petr Kočárek
The name Isophya tatrica Mařan, 1957, was used by DOBŠÍK (1959) in the series ‘Key to the fauna of Czechoslovakia’ but the species has never been properly described and the name must be considered as nomen nudum. Based on the study of material deposited in the National Museum in Praha and designated…
The first species of Systelloderes (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Enicocephalidae) from New Caledonia
Pavel Štys, Petr Baňař
The first species of the genus Systelloderes Blanchard 1852, from New Caledonia, S. loebli sp. nov., is described. The generic classification is tentative, and only the diagnostic autapomorphies are stressed, since the rich Oriental, Papuan, and Australian faunas of Systelloderes have not been…
Studies on the Miridae (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran. II. List of species
Rauno E. Linnavuori
A list of 204 species of the Miridae from Gilan and the adjacent provinces of Iran is provided. The following 58 species are new for Iran: Adelphocoris vandalicus (Rossi, 1790), Anapus freyi (Fieber, 1864), Atractotomus mali (Meyer-Dür, 1843), Blepharidopterus angulatus (Fallén, 1807), Brachycoleus…
Studies on the Lygaeidae s. lat. (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran
Rauno E. Linnavuori
A list of 91 species of Lygaeidae s. lat. (subfamilies Lygaeinae, Orsillinae, Ischnorrhynchinae, Cyminae, Blissinae, Henestarinae, Artheneinae, Heterogastrinae, Oxycareninae, Pachygronthinae, Rhyparochrominae) from Gilan and the adjacent provinces is provided. The following 12 species and one…
Studies on the Piesmatidae, Berytidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Stenocephalidae, Coreidae, Rhopalidae, Alydidae, Cydnidae, and Plataspidae (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran
Rauno E. Linnavuori
A list of Piesmatidae (1 species), Berytidae (5 species), Pyrrhocoridae (2 species), Stenocephalidae (4 species), Coreidae (18 species), Rhopalidae (20 species), Alydidae (3 species), Cydnidae (14 species), and Plataspidae (1 species) from the Iranian province of Gilan and adjacent provinces is…
On the Afrotropical species of Myrmoplasta (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae)
Jaroslav L. Stehlík
Myrmoplasta kmenti sp. nov. (brachypterous morph) from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (former Zaire), and macropterous morph of M. mira Gerstäcker, 1892, from Swaziland are described. New distributional records of M. vittiventris Carlini, 1894, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo,…
A new genus and species of the family Issidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from Oman
Vladimir M. Gnezdilov, Michael R. Wilson
A new genus and species Caepovultus deemingi gen. & sp. nov. is described from Oman. Caepovultus gen. nov. is closely related to the genus Quadriva Ghauri, 1965.
On Emelyanoviana naylae (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae)
Vladimir M. Gnezdilov
Relationships of Emelyanoviana alexandri Logvinenko, 1981, and E. naylae Abdul-Nour, 1986, are discussed. Emelyanoviana naylae is restored as a valid species, endemic of Lebanon.
Emmidolium excavatum d’Orchymont (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Sphaeridiinae) confirmed in Africa and the Arabian peninsula
Martin Fikáček
Emmidolium excavatum Orchymont, 1937 is recorded from the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of the Congo for the first time. The examined specimens are compared with the type, their male genitalia are drawn, and a distribution map and habitus photographs of the species are presented. The…
New faunistics records of Dermestidae (Coleoptera)
Andreas Herrmann, Jiří Háva
The following new faunistics records are presented: Anthrenus (Anthrenodes) occultus Háva, 2006, from India: Uttarpradesh; Anthrenus (Anthrenus) flavidulus Reitter, 1889, from Jordan; Anthrenus (Florilinus) hartmanni Háva, 2000, from India: Uttarpradesh; Apsectus centralis Sharp, 1902, from Costa…
A new species of Cryptarcha (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) from Madagascar
Josef Jelínek, Andrzej Lasoń
Cryptarcha jenisi sp. nov. from Madagascar is described and illustrated, and a key to the Madagascan species of Cryptarcha Shuckard, 1839, is provided.
Nomenclatural changes in the family Ciidae (Coleoptera)
Josef Jelínek
Type specimens of the species Anobium micans Fabricius, 1792, A. nitidum Fabricius, 1792, and Kateretes castaneus Herbst, 1793, were revised and lectotypes designated. The following new synonymies are established: Cis micans (Fabricius, 1792) = Cis hispidus (Paykull, 1798) syn. nov.; Sulcacis…
Report on the host associations of the genus Macrosiagon (Coleoptera: Ripiphoridae) in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Jan Batelka, Patrick Hoehn
The wasp hosts of three species of the genus Macrosiagon Hentz, 1830 (Coleoptera: Ripiphoridae: Ripiphorinae: Macrosiagonini) are recorded from Central Sulawesi (Indonesia). Macrosiagon nasuta (Thunberg, 1784) was reared from the nests of Rhynchium haemorrhoidale (Fabricius, 1775) and Epsilon…
Preliminary revision of the genus Sparedrus (Coleoptera: Oedemeridae) from eastern and southeastern Asia
Vladimír Švihla
Species of the genus Sparedrus Megerle, 1821 in DEJEAN (1821) from eastern and southeastern Asia are revised, illustrated and keyed. Three new species are described and illustrated: Sparedrus karenorum sp. nov. (N Thailand), S. malickyi sp. nov. (N Thailand) and S. chiangmaiensis sp. nov. (N…
New species, synonymy and records of Endomia and Stenidius (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) from Asia
Zbyněk Kejval
Three new species, Endomia graminicola sp. nov., E. litoralis sp. nov. and Stenidius peplifer sp. nov., are described from India. A new synonymy, Endomia ceylonica (Motschulsky, 1863) = E. nana Krekich-Strassoldo, 1928, syn. nov., is proposed. The faunistic records of Endomia and Stenidius species…
List of specimens of the tribe Cossyphini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) kept in the National Museum, Praha
Jiří Háva
Beetles of the tribe Cossyphini (family Tenebrionidae), deposited in the National Museum, Praha (Czech Republic) are identified and listed. The following new records are published: Cossyphus (Cossyphus) dejeani Brême, 1846 (Italy: Sardinia); C. (C.) hoffmannseggi Herbst, 1797 (France: Corsica;…
Taxonomical changes in the genera Hoplasoma and Haplosomoides (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae)
Jan Bezděk, Lijie Zhang
Examination of the type material of three Haplosomoides species described by JIANG (1988) enables us to propose the following taxonomical changes: Haplosomoides verticalis Jiang, 1988 = H. occipitalis Medvedev, 2000 (syn. nov.); Hoplasoma minor Gressitt & Kimoto, 1963 = Haplosomoides biclavatus…
On the genus Rhagiosoma and the identity of R. madagascariense (Coleoptera. Chrysomelidae: Sagrinae: Megamerini)
Lukáš Sekerka
The genus Rhagiosoma Chapuis, 1878, is removed from the synonymy with Megamerus Mac Leay, 1827. Mecynodera madagascariensis Heyden, 1877, is transferred to Rhagiosoma, its taxonomic status is revised and species rank restored. Rhagiosoma chapuisi nom. nov. is proposed as a replacement name for R.…
Detailed distribution of Cassida sanguinosa and C. leucanthemi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Cassidini)
Lukáš Sekerka
Precise distributional data of Cassida sanguinosa Suffrian, 1844, and its congener C. leucanthemi Bordy, 1995, are presented. Cassida leucanthemi is reported from Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Switzerland and the Ukraine for the first time. Status of C. languida Cornelius, 1851, and…
Revision of Central European species of the Aclista scutellaris complex (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae)
Jan Macek
The Aclista scutellaris (Thomson, 1859) species complex (Diapriidae: Belytinae) is defined. Species of the complex from Central Europe are revised and keyed. The female of Aclista scutellaris, type species of Aclista Förster, 1856, is described. Two new species are described: Aclista pseudosoror sp.…
New and noteworthy records of vespid wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) from the Palaearctic region
Libor Dvořák, Leopoldo Castro
Records of 15 Palaearctic species of Vespidae are given. The following taxa are newly recorded: Polistes rubellus Gusenleitner, 2006, from Nepal, Dolichovespula adulterina (du Buysson, 1905) and Katamenes tauricus (de Saussure, 1855) from the Tuva Republic (eastern Siberia, Russia), Vespula vulgaris…
Psychodidae (Diptera) of the Orlické hory Protected Landscape Area and neighbouring areas with descriptions of two new species from the Czech Republic
Jan Ježek, Josef Hájek
Two new species of moth flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) of the genera Parajungiella Vaillant, 1972, and Clytocerus Eaton, 1904, Parajungiella bohdanecensis sp. nov. and Clytocerus (Boreoclytocerus) splendidus sp. nov., are described from the Czech Republic and all important male diagnostic characters…
Abstracts of the Immature Beetles Meeting 2007, October 4-5, Prague, Czech Republic
Jiří Skuhrovec, Martin Fikáček, Petr Šípek
Abstracts of 15 lectures presented during the Immature Beetles Meeting held in Prague (Czech Republic) on October 4-5, 2007, are published herein.