Zpráva z výstavy Móda v modré

Stránky 69–76
DOI 10.37520/mmvp.2022.008
Klíčová slova indigo, indigo blue, blueprint, textile print, textile, templates, tradition, folklore, Japan, aizome, yukata, kimono, fashion
Citace VINGLEROVÁ, Markéta. Zpráva z výstavy Móda v modré. Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2022, 60(1), 69–76. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37520/mmvp.2022.008. ISSN 1803-0386. Dostupné také z: https://publikace.nm.cz/periodicke-publikace/muzeum-muzejni-a-vlastivedna-prace/60-1/zprava-z-vystavy-moda-v-modre
Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce | 2022/60/1

The article details the preparation and run of the exhibition “Fashion in Blue. Tradition and Present of Indigo in Japanese and Czech Textiles”, which took place at the turn of the years 2021 and 2022 in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague. The exhibition presented the rich tradition and the present of Japanese aizome, the patterning and dyeing of textiles using indigo, as well as the blue print production connected to our territory, from folk costumes, through the work of the Center for Folk Art Production to the reinterpretation of the blue print by contemporary fashion designers. The article describes the concept of the exhibition, individual parts of the exhibition as well as some specific exhibits and their creators.

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