
ISSN : 1214-0627
Vedoucí redaktor : Woitschová Klára

Zdeněk Hrabica a Karel Hauser – nové akvizice v Archivu Národního muzea

Zdeněk Hrabica and Karel Hauser – new acquisitions in the Archives of the National Museum Two new acquisitions of the National Museum Archives - the written estate of the distinguished journalist and writer Zdeněk Hrabica (1936–2022) and the scientific worker and concentration camp prisoner Karel…

Malované portréty hudebních přátel Hugo Boettingera

Painted portraits of Hugo Boettinger’s musical friends The painter, cartoonist and caricaturist Hugo Boettinger (1880–1934) had a deep friendship with Josef Suk and the members of the Czech Quartet, Václav Talich, Václav Štěpán and other musicians of the early 20th century. His love of music…