
ISSN : 1214-0627
Vedoucí redaktor : Woitschová Klára
V období od 13. 1. 2025 do 20. 1. 2025 bude e-shop z provozních důvodů mimo provoz.

Profilové portréty ze sbírek Národního muzea

A historic collection of the Department of Older Czech History of the National Museum, which includes, among others, a very extensive collection of portraits encompassing various techniques, from painted, graphic and photographic portraits, through ceroplastic portraits, portrait silhouettes and…

Cirkusové fotografie v divadelní sbírce Národního muzea

Circus Photos at the Theatre Collection of the National Museum The specialized circus fund of the theater collection of the National Museum contained over 9 000 images when it was created in 2004. The study describes its time limitations for the years 1950–1990, it also deals with older images,…

Zájem pravoslavné církve o pražský kostel sv. Kříže na Příkopech

The Interest of the Orthodox Church in the Prague St. Cross Church in Příkopy The presented study provides a detailed probe into efforts of the Czechoslovak Orthodox Community to rent the St. Church in Prague in Příkopy in the 1920s which seemed to be little used. Although there were more…

Podmalby na skle ze sbírek Oddělení starších českých dějin Národního muzea. Příspěvky k tvorbě Gerharda Janssena, Daniela Preisslera, Vincenze Jankeho a jejich současníků. K fenoménu a uplatnění techniky verre églomisé. I. část

Reverse paintings on glass from the collections of the Department of Older Czech History of the National Museum. Articles regarding the works of Gerhard Janssen, Daniel Preissler, Vincenz Janke and their contemporaries. In regard to the phenomenon and application of the verre églomisé technique,…