

ISSN : 0029-6074
Editor in Chief : Mgr. Lenka Vacinová, Ph.D.

Geneze keltských třetin statéru tzv. hmyzího typu

The Origin of the Celtic 1/3-Staters of the So-Called Insect Type The article deals with chonology, provenance, typology and development of the reverse images of 1/3-staters of the so called insect type which had evolved from the late Bohemian issues of the Athena Alkidemos type during the…

Nález denárů z okolí Litoměřic ze 60. let 18. století

A Denier Hoard from the 1760s Found near Litoměřice Based on a handwritten catalogue of the numismatic collection of Emmanuel Ernst von Waldstein, the Litoměřice Bishop, the article presents a hoard of Přemyslid deniers from the 12th century, found in the 1760s near Litoměřice.

Ein Brakteatenfund aus der Nähe von Bunzlau in Niederschlesien (1817)

A Bracteate Hoard Found in Bolesławiec in Lower Silesia (1817) Based on a contemporary record by S. T. Neumann, the author reconstructs a bracteate hoard found in 1817 near the town of Bolesławiec in Lower Silesia. The hoard of uncertain size consisted of not otherwise attributed bracteates of…

Nález vrcholně středověkých mincí z Kluku u Poděbrad (okr. Nymburk)

A Find of High Medieval Coins from Kluk near Poděbrady (Nymburk District) Around 2010, a hoard of nine Upper Lusatian bracteates and two Silesian parvi was found by metal detecting on the cadastral area of Kluk, the part of the city of Poděbrady. The hoard was buried probably shortly after…

Nález benátského grossa dóžete Pietra Gradeniga ze Svitav

A Single Coin Find of Venetian Grosso of Doge Pietro Gradenigo from Svitavy A medieval silver coin was found in the cadastral territory of Svitavy-předměstí (Svitavy District) by metal detecting in 2017. It was a Venetian grosso of Doge Pietro Gradenigo (1289–1311).

Falzátorská dílna na hradě Mokřice u Lužan (okr. Jičín)

A Coin Forgery Workshop at the Mokřice Castle near Lužany (Jičín District) The article deals with an assemblage of archaeological finds from the Mokřice Castle, consisting of 172 coins (including 122 counterfeits of Hussite copper pfennigs) and other evidence related to the existence of a forgery…

Nález mincí z 16. století u Horního Jelení (okr. Pardubice)

A 16th Century Coin Hoard Found near Horní Jelení (Pardubice District) A minor assemblage consisting of 16 silver coins of Ferdinand I (1526–1564), Maximilian II (1564–1576) and Rudolf II (1576–1611) was found by metal detecting in a wood in the cadastral area of Horní Jelení. Except for one…

Císař Maxmilián II. na krušnohorské medaili z roku 1566

The Emperor Maximilian II on an Ore Mountains Medal from 1566 A highly artistic, well-preserved medal on Maximilian II from 1566 can be considered a work of the die engraver Nickel Milicz of Joachimsthal. It could have been minted to celebrate the Diet of Augsburg in 1566. The design is…

Pamětní mince a bankovka vydané v roce 2022

Commemorative Coins and Banknote Issued in 2022 The Czech National Bank issued a total of eight commemorative issues bearing the year 2022: three 200 CZK commemorative silver coins, one 500 CZK commemorative silver coin, two 5.000 CZK gold coins, one 10.000 CZK commemorative silver coin, and one…