Laudatio ad mutetum. Jiří Bartholdus Pontanus z Braitenberka and the Musical Culture of the Rudolfine Period

Pages 6–34
DOI 10.37520/muscz.2024.001
Keywords Jiří Bartholdus Pontanus z Braitenberka, Renaissance music, Neo-Latin poetry, Catholic intellectuals, relationship between poetry and music, Rudolfine Prague
Citation VACULÍNOVÁ, Marta a DANĚK, Petr. Laudatio ad mutetum. Jiří Bartholdus Pontanus z Braitenberka and the Musical Culture of the Rudolfine Period. Musicalia. Journal of the Czech Museum of Music / Časopis Českého muzea hudby . Prague: National Museum, 2024, 16(1-2), 6–34. DOI: ISSN 1803-7828 (Print), 2533-5634 (Online). Also available from:
Musicalia. Journal of the Czech Museum of Music / Časopis Českého muzea hudby | 2024/16/1-2

Jiří Bartholdus Pontanus z Braitenberka (1550–1614) was one of the leading Catholic intellectuals of the Rudolfine era. Besides having a successful career as a churchman, finishing at the rank of provost of the Metropolitan Chapter, he was also a very prolific author of poetry and prose and a book collector. As a poet, he had an affinity for music from a young age, and he wrote Latin texts for almost all of the more important musicians of Rudolfine Prague, who in return dedicated printed editions of their works to him. After examining the manuscripts of Pontanus’s poetry from the library of the Prague Metropolitan Chapter, certain texts used for musical settings have been identified as being by Pontanus. These texts, along with already known texts and poems by Pontanus that are dedicated to musicians, are mentioned in an appendix to the article.

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