ISSN : 1803-7828 (Print), 2533-5634 (Online)
Editor in Chief : Tereza Žůrková
Editor in Chief : Tereza Žůrková
“…I value my compositions a bit more highly than the theatre directorate does…” The Frequency of Performances of Smetana’s Operas at the Provisional Theatre and Payment He Received for Them
Olga Mojžíšová
The opera deals with the standing of Smetana’s operas in the repertoire of the Provisional Theatre with respect to the frequency of their performances and the revenue they earned. It is based on a detailed, systematic survey of written sources and especially of Smetana’s diaries, correspondence,…
Photographs of the Descendants of Bedřich Smetana and Kateřina Smetanová, née Kolářová, in the Collection of the Bedřich Smetana Museum
Jana Plecitá
The article summarises the results of research so far conducted and of the expert processing of photographs in the collection of iconography at the Bedřich Smetana Museum. It deals with photographs of the descendants of Bedřich Smetana (1824–1884) from his first marriage to Kateřina Kolářová…
From the Harp of David to the Bohemian Harp: The Harp in Bohemical Literary Sources of the 16th–19th Centuries
Tomáš Slavický
The study focuses on the defining of the term “Bohemian harp”, and it traces the course of the long-term tradition of use of diatonic harps and hook harps in the Bohemian lands (today Czechia). Because of the lack of other sources, one must seek evidence in iconographical and literary sources. From…
Alma Rosé and Váša Příhoda from 1927 to 1936. Critical Comments on Newman’s Biography of Alma Rosé
Petr Kreuz
The study presents critical commentary on a biography of the Austrian violinist and Holocaust victim Alma Rosé (1906–1944) published by the Canadian musicologist Richard Newman. Alma is famous primarily for having conducted the girls’ camp orchestra at the Nazi Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp.…
Important Acquisitions of the Czech Museum of Music in Recent Years (I)
Tereza Žůrková, Jana Plecitá, Veronika Vejvodová