Učenec ve své pracovně. Místa vědění spjatá s Antonínem Fričem (1832–1913)

Pages 26–45
DOI 10.37520/mmvp.2024.015
Keywords Places of knowledge, Antonín Frič (1832–1913), National Museum (Prague), Charles-Ferdinand University, study room, zoological laboratory, zoological station
Citation MILOTOVÁ, Nina. Učenec ve své pracovně. Místa vědění spjatá s Antonínem Fričem (1832–1913). Museum: Museum and Regional Studies. Prague: National Museum, 2024, 62(2), 26–45. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37520/mmvp.2024.015. ISSN 1803-0386. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/museum-museum-and-regional-studies/62-2/ucenec-ve-sve-pracovne-mista-vedeni-spjata-s-antoninem-fricem-18321913
Museum: Museum and Regional Studies | 2024/62/2

The present study examines in a broader context “Frič’s study rooms”, places of knowledge associated with Antonín Frič (1832–1913), the long-time director of the palaeontological, geological and zoological collections of the Museum of the Kingdom of Bohemia (now the National Museum, Prague) and professor at Charles-Ferdinand University. Based on the research of visual and textual sources, the related spaces of shared knowledge located both in the specific architectural spaces of the National Museum and the Charles-Ferdinand University and in the wild are identified and presented. Next to the iconic Frič’s study room in the old museum Na Příkopě no. 28, it is the local museum laboratory – the so-called “rasovna” room, zoological offices in the new (today Historical) building of the National Museum on Wenceslas Square no. 68, lecture hall no. 5 in Klementinum, the first university zoological laboratory in Spálená Street no. 22 (later moved to Kaulich house no. 21 on Charles Square), the premises of the Natural Club (est. 1869) in the building of the Business Academy on Malé square (later moved to the ground floor hall no. 3 in Klementinum), a portable (“flying”) zoological station, a permanent zoological station at Počernický pond near Běchovice and also a general area of walks, trips and excursions into the wild. The aim of the text is to analyse the spatial layout of the identified places, their internal equipment, “users”, working conditions and the related organisation of work.

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