ISSN : 1803-0386
Editor in Chief : Michal Stehlík
Editor in Chief : Michal Stehlík
Asijské umění a umělecké řemeslo ve sbírce Západočeského muzea v Plzni
Jindřich Mleziva
The collection of the West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen includes significant examples of artworks and decorative arts from Asia. The history of this collection dates back to the last quarter of the 19th century, when these items were a part of a collection of the West Bohemian Museum of Decorative Arts…
Svaz československého díla: muzeum jako platforma modernizace
Iva Knobloch
The text demonstrates the metamorphosis of the new platform of modernization of the industrial society: The European Network of Museums of Decorative Arts in the second half of XIXth century. After the foundation of German Werkbund in 1907, the new wave of a reform movement concerning the quality of…
Hearstův hrad. Kalifornský sen v záři evropské umělecké tradice
Markéta Jarošová
Hearst Castle is one of the world‘s most famous public museums. Its architect Julia Morgan built the magnificent building near San Simeon on the Pacific Coast in Central California for William Randolph Hearst between 1919–1947. Its architectural form is mostly based on the examples of the…
Ohlédnutí za první štací výstavy Račte vstoupit do divadla
Markéta Trávničková
The traveling exhibition Please Enter Our Theatre and its respective exhibition catalogue represent a theatre playbill as a valuable subject of theatriological research as well as an attractive exhibit. The exhibition shows the theatre scene in the Czech lands from the mid-1600s to the mid-1900s,…
Díky muzeu mohou moderním dějinám rozumět i malé děti
Zdeňka Kulhavá, Barbora Hoduláková
The joint exhibition of National Museum of Czech Republic and Slovak National Museum dedicated to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the creation of Czechoslovakia was an opportunity to create a cooperative international educational program for the children of school age to effectively learn about…
Zpráva z muzeologického semináře Muzeum a etika
Michaela Smidová
The Masaryk Museum in Hodonín organises a bi-annual seminar focused on the current issues of museology. In 2019, the topic of the seminar was the role and the importance of ethics in museums. Various aspects of the topic were discussed, many of which were deemed controversial or previously unopened…
Správa z konferencie ALMS Conference Berlin 2019: ,Queering Memory - Archives - Arts - Audiences’
Michal Mako
The conference, organised by the Berlin-based Institute of Magnus Hirschfeld, was focused on the position of queer memory in the contemporary memory institutions such as museums, archives and specialized collections as well as the expression of queer-related topics in art.