ISSN : 1803-0386
Editor in Chief : Michal Stehlík
Editor in Chief : Michal Stehlík
Tvorba stálých expozic Národního muzea
Michal Stehlík
At the onset of preparations of new permanent exhibitions of the National
Museum (NM) in 2011, it was necessary to define their content.
Several expert teams composed of NM staff and other institutions took
part in this process. Historical topics were embraced in a novel perspective,
Jan Sklenář, Jiří Sejkora, Ivo Macek
Nature (Příroda) is an aggregate of more or less separate permanent natural
science exhibitions. These are focused on mineralogy, meteorites and
tektites, famous ore deposits and mines of the Czech Republic, prehistorical
development of Czech territory, mycology and botany. The majority
Jiří Moravec, Petr Benda, Petr Dolejš, Jiří Hájek, Jaroslav Hlaváč, Jiří Mlíkovský, Radek Šanda
The new zoological exposition of the National Museum will be installed
in eight exhibition halls on the second floor of the Historical Building.
The exposition has the preliminary title Evolution and thematically, it
will follow several significant evolutionary events, which enabled animals
Výstavní celek muzejního experimentária ExperiMus – vývoj od konceptu Příběh planety Země
Boris Ekrt
The prepared exhibition of the experimentarium museum ExperiMus is
of an unconventional format, which had gradually evolved from the
exhibition project The Story of Planet Earth. The development aimed towards
greater interactivity and adaptability of the given space. ExperiMus
is designed to…
Eva Doležalová, Marie Šedivá Koldinská, Martin Sekera, Jana Mezerová, Marek Junek
The exposition named History will present the development of the Czech
lands from the 9th century till the present. The exposition will be divided
into two separate spaces – the Historical Building of the National Museum
will house the history of the 9th
–19th centuries and the New Building
Jiří Košta, Petr Velemínský, Helena Svobodova, Vítězslav Kuželka
The People exhibition will be composed of several closely interconnected
expositions. The first will be the mainly biological-anthropological exposition
Man and His Predecessors, which will continually transform
into an archaeological and cultural-anthropological exposition Story of
Pokladnice Národního muzea – klenotnice a numismatický kabinet
Luboš Polanský, Jiří Sejkora, Lenka Vacinová, Lucie Kodišová
The new Treasury of the National Museum will present rare craftsmanship
of precious stones and metals in connection with the natural
form of these materials. The Treasury will be followed by a Numismatic
Cabinet, which will introduce the history of money from Antiquity
till today. The Treasury…
Ze zákulisí příprav dětského muzea
Petra Caltová, Zdeňka Kulhavá
The ambition of the Children’s Museum exposition, which is being created
in the New Building of the National Museum, is to offer visitors
a space for entertainment, relaxation and education. The exposition will
introduce them, in an entertaining way, the natural and cultural heritage
of the…
Panteon mezi ideou a matematikou
Michal Stehlík
The Pantheon has been the heart of the National Museum ever since its
foundation. It was intended to serve the role of honouring personalities
of Czech history, science, and culture. The composition of the busts and
statues of represented personalities changed over time due to the…
Nové Národní muzeum pro návštěvníky
Ivana Kocichová
The closing of the Historical Building of the National Museum due to
renovation meant a significant interference with not only statistics of
the visiting rates but also with the functioning of the institution and its
communication with the public. The closure was and still is most of all
a great…
Výstavní politika Národního muzea 2017–2020
Michal Stehlík
The National Museum (NM) is preparing several temporary exhibitions
in all of its buildings, along with preparing new permanent exhibitions
in the New and Historical Buildings. All parts of the National Museum
are incorporated in the preparation of new exhibitions, i.e. the Historical