Stálé expozice sklářských muzeí ve Frauenau a v Düsseldorfu

Pages 54 - 61
DOI 10.1515/mmvp-2017-0049
Citation ŠTĚRBOVÁ, Alena . Stálé expozice sklářských muzeí ve Frauenau a v Düsseldorfu. Museum: Museum and Regional Studies. Prague: National Museum, 2017, 55(2), 54 - 61. DOI: ISSN 1803-0386. Also available from:
Museum: Museum and Regional Studies | 2017/55/2

The Permanent Exhibitions at the Glass Museums in Both Frauenau and Düsseldorf Abstract: The article explores different approaches to displaying glass artefacts in permanent exhibitions, housed in museums of glass. It analyzes two collections in the Glasmuseum Fraueau and the Glasmuseum Hentrich in Düsseldorf. The exhibitions facilitate dialogues between the historical, cultural, sociopolitical and ethnographic realms. Developing trends in fine art presentation show that there is also innovative potential in displaying glass artefacts. The author examines different museological and curatorial approaches, also looking into technologies and crafts, as they are integral to the exhibition of glass. Keywords: glass, museum, museology, museum studies, permanent exhibitions, Glasmuseum Fraueau, Glasmuseum Hentrich in Düsseldorf

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