ISSN : 1803-0386
Editor in Chief : Michal Stehlík
Editor in Chief : Michal Stehlík
Mobilní aplikace muzeí a galerií – smysl a typologie nového projevu muzejní kultury
Petra Šobáňová
The paper deals with mobile applications, and brings the results
of qualitative research into application software in museums and
galleries. After providing a detailed description and classification of
software for mobile devices, the paper introduces possible ways in which
to analyse and…
Muzejní a edukační expozice v hradozámeckém prostředí na příkladu fenoménu relikviáře sv. Maura a autenticky dochovaného hradu Bečov
Tomáš Wizovský
Usually state castles and châteaux in the Czech Republic take
advantage of traditional guiding services for their public presentation,
together with interior monument installations and allusive exhibitions.
Exceptions are those monuments the current exhibitions in which follow-
up on the pre-war…
Příprava výstavy historických oděvů bez vitrín a péče o ni se zaměřením na monitorování prašnosti
Veronika Šulcová
In terms of the preparation for the Major Exhibition entitled
“Retro”, which opened in June 2016, we were faced with the problem of
how to manage the installation of a large amount of clothing without
using any showcases. The women’s and men’s clothing that was installed
came not only from the…
Instalace oděvů na „neviditelných korpusech“
Dana Fagová
The paper deals with the possibility of displaying costumes or
textiles as “invisible mannequins”, which had been successfully used on
exhibition Retro. This method of installation enables practically unlimited
use and it is applicable both for historical costumes and also for
Vybavení interiéru nově zrekonstruovaného Svatojánského muzea v Nepomuku pohledem jeho zaměstnanců
Kateřina Dobrovolná
Saint John’s Museum in Nepomuk, which is dedicated to the
Saint of the same name (who was a local native), was reopened in March 2015. It’s original name was the Museum of St. John’s and other religious monuments and the museum was founded in 1930 by Father Jan Strnad. The institution was…
Možnosti využití nástroje Balanced Scorecard v řízení muzeí
Marek Prokůpek
The issues involved with the economic aspects of cultural institutions,
their economic impact, and the measurement of their performance
has basically only been given systematic attention during the
past few years. Traditionally performance assessments are primarily
connected with entrepreneurial…