Obnova Historické budovy Národního muzea z hlediska památkové péče / Refurbishment of the historical National Museum building from the viewpoint of preservation

Pages 28-32
Citation JERIE, Pavel. Obnova Historické budovy Národního muzea z hlediska památkové péče / Refurbishment of the historical National Museum building from the viewpoint of preservation. Museum: Museum and Regional Studies. Prague: National Museum, 2012, 50, 28-32. ISSN 1803-0386. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/mmars/50-suppl/obnova-historicke-budovy-narodniho-muzea-z-hlediska-pamatkove-pece-refurbishment-of-the-historical-national-museum-building-from-the-viewpoint-of-preservation
Museum: Museum and Regional Studies | 2012/50/suppl

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