A new look at the dynamic western distribution border of Apodemus agrarius in Central Europe (Rodentia: Muridae) [Nový pohled na dynamiku západního okraje rozšíření myšice temnopásé (Apodemus agrarius) ve střední Evropě (Rodentia: Muridae)]

Pages 69–79
Citation SPITZENBERGER, Friederike a ENGELBERGER, Simon. A new look at the dynamic western distribution border of Apodemus agrarius in Central Europe (Rodentia: Muridae) [Nový pohled na dynamiku západního okraje rozšíření myšice temnopásé (Apodemus agrarius) ve střední Evropě (Rodentia: Muridae)]. Lynx, new series. Prague: National Museum, 2014, 45(1), 69–79. ISSN 0024-7774 (print), 1804-6460 (online). Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/lns/45-1/a-new-look-at-the-dynamic-western-distribution-border-of-apodemus-agrarius-in-central-europe-rodentia-muridae-novy-pohled-na-dynamiku-zapadniho-okraje-rozsireni-mysice-temnopase-apodemus-agrarius-ve-stredni-evrope-rodentia-muridae
Lynx, new series | 2014/45/1

During its postglacial westward expansion, Apodemus agrarius reached Austria in 1996 and until 2013 it colonised an area almost 140 km in length and 56 km in width in this country. Simultaneously, major range expansions were observed in Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia and Moravia. Oscillations of the western distribution border in Central Europe during the 20th and 21st centuries coincide remarkably well with changes in mean summer and winter temperatures.

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