Podmalby na skle ze sbírek Oddělení starších českých dějin Národního muzea. Příspěvky k tvorbě Gerharda Janssena, Daniela Preisslera, Vincenze Jankeho a jejich současníků. K fenoménu a uplatnění techniky verre églomisé. I. část

Pages 59–92
DOI 10.37520/cnm.2021.003
Keywords Collections, Reverse paintings on Glass, Glass, Verre Églomisé, Provenance, Graphic Templates, Folk Reverse Paintings
Citation KUNEŠOVÁ, Jana. Podmalby na skle ze sbírek Oddělení starších českých dějin Národního muzea. Příspěvky k tvorbě Gerharda Janssena, Daniela Preisslera, Vincenze Jankeho a jejich současníků. K fenoménu a uplatnění techniky verre églomisé. I. část. Journal of the National Museum. History Series. Prague: National Museum, 2021, 190(1-2), 59–92. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37520/cnm.2021.003. ISSN 1214-0627. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/journal-of-the-national-museum-history-series/190-1-2/podmalby-na-skle-ze-sbirek-oddeleni-starsich-ceskych-dejin-narodniho-muzea-prispevky-k-tvorbe-gerharda-janssena-daniela-preisslera-vincenze-jankeho-a-jejich-soucasniku-k-fenomenu-a-uplatneni-techniky-verre-eglomise-i-cast
Journal of the National Museum. History Series | 2021/190/1-2

Reverse paintings on glass from the collections of the Department of Older Czech History of the National Museum. Articles regarding the works of Gerhard Janssen, Daniel Preissler, Vincenz Janke and their contemporaries. In regard to the phenomenon and application of the verre églomisé technique, part I.

This two-part paper presents a diverse collection of approximately 120 reverse paintings on glass produced in the Czech lands and Central Europe, from the beginning of the 18th century to the second half of the 19th century. The first part is devoted to their topics from the aspect of religion, allegory, landscape and genre and also discusses their iconography, authorship, templates, techniques (particularly verre églomisé) and provenience in the context of Czech and foreign collections. The most valuable of these items include newly identified Baroque works by Gerhard Janssen, the allegorical cycle by Daniel Preissler and works by the Augsburg School. The 19th century is dominated by the workshop of Vincenz Janke producing works falling between art and craftwork, and specific regional works, which are also represented by folk paintings. The second (prepared) part of the thesis will be separately devoted to portrait reverse paintings on glass.

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