„Mimoškolní výuka prehistorie a protohistorie“ (1969–1989) jako specifická forma popularizace vědy a komunikace Národního muzea s veřejností

Pages 29-54
Citation SKLENÁŘ, Karel. „Mimoškolní výuka prehistorie a protohistorie“ (1969–1989) jako specifická forma popularizace vědy a komunikace Národního muzea s veřejností. Journal of the National Museum. History Series. Prague: National Museum, 2017, 186(1-2), 29-54. ISSN 1214-0627. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/jotnmhs/186-1-2/mimoskolni-vyuka-prehistorie-a-protohistorie-19691989-jako-specificka-forma-popularizace-vedy-a-komunikace-narodniho-muzea-s-verejnosti
Journal of the National Museum. History Series | 2017/186/1-2

„Non-school education in prehistory and protohistory“ (1969–1989) as a specific form of scienti¬fic popularisation and of the National Museum’s communication with the public “Scientific dissemination”, the popularisation of scientific knowledge, is one of the principle tasks of museums and one of the main means for doing so is public lectures. Such lectures have been traditional in the National Museum in Prague since the second half of the 19th century, and one of the highlights is the “Extracurricular Teaching of Prehistory and Protohistory”, a set of principal and supplemental cycles of lectures designed to expand the lack of information on these periods from school education. Between 1969 and 1989, 20 years of this event were run, including a total of 60 lecture cycles and 1118 lectures. The article also captures other official lecture activities from staff at the NM’s Department of Prehistory and Classical Antiquity between 1945 and 1989; we managed to ascertain (without including numerous individual lectures given outside of NM events) 1456 public lectures. This is an almost unrivalled achievement in the history of Czech science and education.

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