

ISSN : 1214-0627
Editor in Chief : Woitschová Klára
In the period from January 13, 2025 to January 15, 2025, the e-shop will be out of order for operational reasons

Unikáty sbírky cedulí a plakátů Divadelního oddělení Národního muzea

The National Museum History of Theatre Department’s unique poster collection. One of the most valuable sources for theatrological study is theatre posters, which give detailed information on all the basic data for individual performances. Only on this basis can one retrospectively set up a list of…

Z letových zápisníků rotmistra letectva Eduarda Šimka (1903–1957)

Flight Sergeant Eduard Šimek’s (1903–1957) flight record books. This study came about on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of Eduard Šimek’s death. Last year, ANM man¬aged to acquire a number of unique materials about his person for digitisation from his son, PhDr. Eduard Šimek, CSc’s…