Legio Angelica – nástroj disciplinace katolických chlapců. Výchova ke kněžství a k laické misijní činnosti v Legio angelica pod vedením P. Methoda K. Klementa, OSB v letech 1927–1937 / Education for the Priesthood and Lay Missionary activities in the Legi

Pages 39-48
Citation ŠMÍDOVÁ, Lucie . Legio Angelica – nástroj disciplinace katolických chlapců. Výchova ke kněžství a k laické misijní činnosti v Legio angelica pod vedením P. Methoda K. Klementa, OSB v letech 1927–1937 / Education for the Priesthood and Lay Missionary activities in the Legi. Journal of the National Museum. History Series. Prague: National Museum, 2016, 185(3-4), 39-48. ISSN 1214-0627. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/jotnmhs/185-3-4/legio-angelica-nastroj-disciplinace-katolickych-chlapcu-vychova-ke-knezstvi-a-k-laicke-misijni-cinnosti-v-legio-angelica-pod-vedenim-p-methoda-k-klementa-osb-v-letech-19271937-education-for-the-priesthood-and-lay-missionary-activities-in-the-legi
Journal of the National Museum. History Series | 2016/185/3-4

This paper looks at how the Benedictine monk and well-known preacher P. Method K. Klement, OSB, worked with the altar boys of the Legio angelica between 1927 and 1937. This organization centred on apostolic activity for altar boys, preparing them for future priestly and secular activities. Czech Roman Catholicism had been greatly affected by a mass exodus from the Church following the end of the First World War, but there were also opposing trends which looked ahead to a religious revival. This trend was typified by the Legio angelica association. P. Klement led the Legio angelica from 1927 to 1937 and was central to its spiritual as well as organizational character. The Legio angelica was a nationwide organization in which altar boys formed groups in parishes, subscribed to a magazine, held national congresses and took tests just like the Scouts. By the time P. Klement left the organization, it had three thousand members, and from 1934 the Legio angelica also became part of the Scout movement. Given the nature of its aims, it is difficult to assess if it achieved what it set out to do; however, it can be said that the association was a success. Apart from the previously mentioned social network, it also educated a large number of priests, several of whom went on to become distinguished figures within the Roman Catholic Church in the latter part of the 20th century.

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