Pomnichovské hranice v dobových ohlasech

Pages 51–60
Citation PEHR, Michal. Pomnichovské hranice v dobových ohlasech. Journal of the National Museum. History Series. Prague: National Museum, 2013, 182(1-2), 51–60. ISSN 1214-0627. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/jotnmhs/182-1-2/pomnichovske-hranice-v-dobovych-ohlasech
Journal of the National Museum. History Series | 2013/182/1-2

The presented study looks at how Czechoslovakian (or Czech) society responded to the Munich Agreement and the creation of new borders around the curtailed state. The loss of the borderland was perceived by society at the time as a loss of a natural border which had been recognised for centuries. The newly formed Second Republic did not just lose a third of its land and people, but also its defence capabilities, and effectively its allies who submitted without protest to the interests of Nazi Germany. All democratically-minded Czechoslovakian citizens, and practically the whole nation were taken over by a feeling of desperation and disillusionment. The people felt betrayed by the results and adoption of the Munich Agreement. This feeling of betrayal and desperation is particularly clear from a whole range of sources, printed media of the time, and also from the poetry of the time, which this study also looks at. It appears that everyone felt that changes had happened which needed to be explained more closely. The loss of territory was mostly presented as a sacrifice. People subconsciously hoped that the new border and Munich sacrifice would secure peace for both Czechoslovakia and the world. They wanted to ensure that the tragedy of Munich made some sense. Many also hoped and believed that the change would not be permanent and the pre-Munich borders would return in future. At the same time, everyone was expecting a future of change. This historical injustice must be atoned for as soon as possible. The question which remained, however, was in what way the future borders would be changed. The occupation and dissolution of the remaining parts of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 put a definitive end to these discussions.

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