K publicistice poúnorového sociálnědemokratického exilu (1948-1953). Perspektiva Blažeje Vilíma a Bohumila Laušmana. / Contribution to the study of journalism of social-democratic exile (1948-1953). Perspective of Blažej Vilím and Bohumil Laušman.

Pages 32-53
Citation HORÁK, Pavel. K publicistice poúnorového sociálnědemokratického exilu (1948-1953). Perspektiva Blažeje Vilíma a Bohumila Laušmana. / Contribution to the study of journalism of social-democratic exile (1948-1953). Perspective of Blažej Vilím and Bohumil Laušman. Journal of the National Museum. History Series Prague: National Museum, 2011, 180(1-2), 32-53. ISSN 1214-0627. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/jotnmhs/180-1-2/k-publicistice-pounoroveho-socialnedemokratickeho-exilu-1948-1953-perspektiva-blazeje-vilima-a-bohumila-lausmana-contribution-to-the-study-of-journalism-of-social-democratic-exile-1948-1953-perspective-of-blazej-vilim-and-bohumil-lausman
Journal of the National Museum. History Series | 2011/180/1-2

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