Preliminary Report on the Geophysical Survey of Central Wad Ben Naga

Pages 119–136
DOI 10.1515/anpm-2018-0016
Keywords Nubia, Meroe, Wad Ben Naga, Meroitic settlements, geophysical survey
Type of Article Research report
Citation ULLRICH, Burkart, ONDERKA, Pavel a VRTAL, Vlastimil. Preliminary Report on the Geophysical Survey of Central Wad Ben Naga. Annals of the Náprstek Museum. Prague: National Museum, 2018, 39(2), 119–136. DOI: ISSN 0231-844X (print), 2533-5685 (online). Also available from:
Annals of the Náprstek Museum | 2018/39/2

Within the framework of the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga, a non-invasive, geophysical survey was conducted at the archaeological site of Wad Ben Naga, Sudan, in the course of the mission‘s fifteenth season. The objective of the survey was to explore selected parts of Central Wad Ben Naga, to map surface and subsurface structures. Almost 500 distinct anomalies were detected using a ten-sensor gradiometer array LEA MAX and interpreted in the context of the site’s development.

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