ISSN : 0231-844X (print), 2533-5685 (online)
Editor in Chief : Jiří Honzl (executive editor)
Editor in Chief : Jiří Honzl (executive editor)
Second Life of Bodies in New Guinea
Martin Soukup
The aim of the paper is to analyze and interpret uses of human remains in traditional cultures of New Guinea. The author discusses four groups of artifacts: ancestor cult, war trophy, items of everyday needs, and body adornments. The author provides detailed information from selected cultures of New…
Clay Sealings from the Pyramid Complex of King Raneferef Kept in the Náprstek Museum: General Features of the Corpus and its Potential to the Study of the Administration of the Royal Funerary Cult
David Jeřábek
In the 1980s, the excavations of the Czechoslovak Institute of Egyptology headed by Miroslav Verner excavated large parts of the pyramid complex of King Raneferef (Neferefre)2 and uncovered evidence of the mortuary cult of the king, including ca. one thousand of clay sealings (or sealing fragments).…
Summer Retreats, Travel, and Family in the Life of František Lexa (1876–1960), The First Czechoslovak Egyptologist
Adéla Jůnová Macková
The study will explore the family and the family milieu of the first Czechoslovak Egyptologist František Lexa, founder and first director of the Czechoslovak Institute of Egyptology, expert on Egyptian philology, especially demotic languages, and mentor of two important Egyptologists, Jaroslav…
Tibetan Objects in the Náprstek Museum
Helena Heroldová
The Naprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures acquired two hundred items from Tibet in the 1950s: bronze sculptures, paintings and ritual implements. These items came from private collections confiscated after the Second War World according to the presidential decrees dealing with the…
Australian Wooden Weapons and Tools from the J. V. Daneš Collection in the Náprstek Museum
Gabriela Jungová
J. V. Daneš’s collection of the National Museum – Naprstek Museum includes over 700 ethnographic objects from the entire Pacific area. The collection is mostly unpublished, and some of the objects never had their provenience established. The present paper introduces 46 indigenous wooden weapons –…
The Legacy of Barbora Markéta Eliášová in the Japanese Collection of Náprstek Museum
Alena Krejčová
The paper focuses on the traveller Barbora Marketa Eliašova as an individual and on the collection of items that she brought from her travels and, after her death, willed to the collections of the Naprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures.
Preliminary Report on the Geophysical Survey of Central Wad Ben Naga
Burkart Ullrich, Pavel Onderka, Vlastimil Vrtal
Within the framework of the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga, a non-invasive, geophysical survey was conducted at the archaeological site of Wad Ben Naga, Sudan, in the course of the mission‘s fifteenth season. The objective of the survey was to explore selected parts of Central Wad Ben…
Preliminary Report on the Fifteenth Excavation Season of the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga
Pavel Onderka, Vlastimil Vrtal, Gabriela Jungová
The fifteenth excavation season of the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga focused on the archaeological exploration of the Palace of Queen Amanishakheto (WBN 100) and rescue excavation of a kom located in the exclave of the archaeological site west of the railway (WBN 1000 and WBN C220).