ISSN : 0231-844X (print), 2533-5685 (online)
Editor in Chief : Jiří Honzl (executive editor)
Editor in Chief : Jiří Honzl (executive editor)
A Story of a Stork
Pavel Onderka, Gabriela Vrtalová
The Náprstek Museum, Prague, holds in its collection a mummy of a large bird. The mummy, along with other ancient Egyptian antiquities, was transferred to the National Museum in 1933 from the Esterházy manor in Tomášikovo, Slovakia. Originally, it was believed to be the mummy of a human child;…
Mounds on Labels and Finds Omitted – Some Miscellanea from the Eastern Temple at Wad Ben Naga
Vlastimil Vrtal
This paper presents a small collection of artefacts uncovered in the area of the Eastern Temple at Wad Ben Naga during the excavations by the Sudanese mission in 1958–1959. The attribution of these unpublished finds to the spatial context of the temple relied on object labels preserved on their…
Preliminary Report on the Twenty-Second Excavation Season of the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga
Pavel Onderka, Jiří Honzl
The twenty-second excavation season of the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga focused on the continued exploration of the so-called Isis Temple (WBN 300). The works covered the south-eastern part of the hypostyle hall (WBN 301), a part of the central vestibule (WBN 302) including its front…