ISSN : 0231-844X (print), 2533-5685 (online)
Editor in Chief : Jiří Honzl (executive editor)
Editor in Chief : Jiří Honzl (executive editor)
Ethnographic Collection of Alberto Vojtěch Frič in the Náprstek Museum
Monika Baďurová
Alberto Vojtěch Frič (1882–1944) was a Czech botanist, explorer and ethnologist. He made four exploratory journeys to South America (Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia), at first led by his interest in cacti, later due to a desire of getting to know more about life and culture of the…
Decadent Eccentric and Poetic Moon-Viewer
Helena Gaudeková, Alice Kraemerová
This article deals with the personality and art of Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839–1892), one of the last ukiyo-e masters in Japan. Educated before Japan opened to the world, Yoshitoshi absorbed the best of his country’s traditions. Developing his career in the decades of rapid change in…
Uzbek Gold Embroidery
Tereza Hejzlarová
The art of gold embroidery has a very long history in Uzbekistan. Bukhara is considered to be the traditional and renowned centre of gold embroidery, with its high point being in the 19th century. Gold embroidery was used in particular to decorate the clothes of the emir and his courtiers.…
Western Influences in Southeast Asian Paintings Comparison of a Balinese Ink Painting and of two Malaysian Graffiti Artworks
David Novak
Balinese ink paintings started to be created in the 1930s only after Western influences created suitable conditions in Bali. Of major importance were the European painters Walter Spies and Rudolf Bonnet, who decided to live long term in Bali. The artwork discussed in this article is a Balinese ink…
Preliminary Report on the Third Excavation Season of the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga
Pavel Onderka
During its third excavation season, the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga carried out [1] the revision excavations of the so-called Eastern Temple (WBN 500), [2] the first phase of the excavations of the complex of the so-called Typhonium (WBN 200) and [3] the conservation of the rooms WBN…