Dvě disko generace. Československý pop pod vlivem disko horečky

Pages 44–55
DOI 10.37520/amnph.2020.014
Keywords popular music, discotheques, late socialism, Czecoslovakia, youth culture, discjockeys, disco sound
Type of Article Peer-reviewed
Citation MACHEK, Jakub. Dvě disko generace. Československý pop pod vlivem disko horečky. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia. Prague: National Museum, 2020, 74(3-4), 44–55. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37520/amnph.2020.014. ISSN 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online). Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/acta-musei-nationalis-pragae-historia/74-3-4/dve-disko-generace-ceskoslovensky-pop-pod-vlivem-disko-horecky
Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia | 2020/74/3-4

Disco music and closely related discos became a significant phenomenon in the late socialist period. The virtually automatic hostility of communist authorities to new musical genres coming from the West did not apply to disco music. It thus became a music genre associated with the lifestyle of young people and officially representing youth at many levels in the society of the time, from regime celebrations to commercial promotion of services and products. This paper focuses on capturing the transformations that Czech disco underwent during the period of its greatest popularity. It uses the metaphor of two generations of disco performers who approached the disco music they produced in different ways, from the superficial adoption of a new sound and rhythm in the late 1970s to the more successful performers who presented themselves as the voice of the young generation in the 1980s.

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