ISSN : 2570-6861 (Print), 2570-687X (Online)
Editor in Chief : Kateřina Spurná
Editor in Chief : Kateřina Spurná
Recently Discovered Printed Books from the Library of Martin Mareš, a Humanist from Český Krumlov
Kamil Boldan
From 1487, Martin Mareš studied with the financial support of his brother-in-law Václav of Rovné, a chancellor of the South Bohemian Rožmberk family, at the University of Bologna, where he received the degree of Doctor of Canon Law in 1494. He was one of the favourite students of the leading Italian…
A Copy of Kalendář historický [Historical Calendar] by Daniel Adam of Veleslavín Printed in 1590 and the Fate of Its First Owner, Further Unknown Jiří Mělnický of Greifenfels
Anežka Baďurová, Lenka Bártová
Based primarily on archival sources, the article presents new relevant facts about the life of Jiří [Georgius] Mělnický of Greifenfels († 1619), the first owner of a copy of Kalendář historický printed by Daniel Adam of Veleslavín in 1590. Concerning this copy, significant research attention has…
The Marian Pilgrimage Site of Sepekov and Sources on Miraculous Events and Its History
Hedvika Kuchařová
The subject of this paper is an analysis of manuscript and printed sources on the pilgrimage site of Sepekov (Písek district). These comprise texts written between the 1730s and the 1780s. Thematically, these are mostly books of miracles, which were intended to record miraculous events in writing…
Silesian Castle Libraries on the Margins
Barbora Nebeská
This study is devoted to the hitherto neglected issue of the care of Silesian castle libraries after 1945. A general introduction and a brief outline of the history and functioning of the National Cultural Commission as the central body for the administration of state cultural property are followed…
From the Březnice Library. A Typological Survey of Book Bindings of Medieval Codices from the Augustinian Monasteries in Roudnice and Sadská
Jan Novotný, Kateřina Bártová
The survey of medieval book bindings in the National Museum Library has focused on a group of codices from Augustinian monasteries in Roudnice nad Labem, Sadská and Jaroměř. The research methodology is based on accurate terminology, form processing and photographic documentation of medieval…
About Přibík from Ostrý and His Books
Michal Dragoun
The study deals with the list of ‘books’ written probably shortly after 1420 on the rear pastedown of the National Museum Library manuscript XVI F 11. This list is likely to have been made by the owner of the manuscript at that time, Přibík from Ostrý, but no further information on him is available…
We Were Accommodated at Turek’s Inn. Amandus Polanus and His Visit to Rudolphine Prague in the Summer of 1591
Marta Vaculínová, Kateřina Samojská
Amandus Polanus from Opava, later professor of theology at the University of Basel, visited Prague several times. In his diary, preserved in the University Library in Basel, he describes his visit to Prague in August 1591 in considerable detail. The diary entry informs us that Polanus stayed at…
An Album of Drawings by Count Arthur Mensdorff-Pouilly in the Chotělice Castle Library
Anna Čoupková
The Chotělice Castle Library contains an album of drawings by the Austro-Hungarian officer Count Arthur August von Mensdorff-Pouilly (1817–1904). The album, dating from the years 1874 and 1875 with a short overlap to 1876, contains drawings and German-written comments in Kurrent (German cursive),…
The Library at Jindřichův Hradec Castle
Petr Mašek
The library of the Counts Czernin of Chudenitz at the castle in Jindřichův Hradec was created as an addition to the local archives. An important part of the library collection comes from the estate of Eugen Karl Count Czernin (1796–1868) and a different part of this collection originates from…
Antonín Bardoun – an Unknown Printer from Pilsen
Ila Šedo
The article summarises information on the Pilsen amateur printer, graphic artist and bibliophile Antonín Bardoun. It contains an inventory of his prints and graphic sheets. It records significant events of his life and describes his fate.