Národní muzeum v éře Československa
ISBN: 978-80-7036-595-3
Author(s): Klára Woitschová, Libor Jůn
Publisher: National Museum
Type of publication: monograph
Place of publication: Prague
Number of pages: 368
Citation: WOITSCHOVÁ, Klára a JŮN, Libor. Národní muzeum v éře Československa. Vydání první. Prague: National Museum, 2019. 368 stran. ISBN 978-80-7036-595-3.
The book focuses on the part of the National Museum history which is bound to the existence of the Czechoslovak state, namely the period when the Museum changed its status from the private organization to at first provincial and finally the state institution. On one hand, this transformation brought about the fundamental expansion of collections, specialized museum work, together with essential development in exhibition activity and scientific research. On the other hand, the Museum had to face state interventions on several occasions, including adverse effects of ideology. The book divided the “Czechoslovak period” into thematic chapters, followed by a representative image appendix and biographical cameos of significant museum workers. The monograph represents a result of archival research, namely of the National Museum Archive, the department to which the authors of the book are professionally connected.
The publication is in Czech only.