Folklor atomového věku. Kolektivně sdílené prvky expresivní kultury v soudobé české společnosti (Folklore of the Atomic Age. Collective Based Phenomena of Expressive Culture in Contemporary Czech Society)
ISBN: 978-80-7036-315-7 (Národní muzeum) / 978-80-87398-11-1 (FHS UK)
Author(s): Petr Janeček (ed.)
Publisher: National Museum
Type of publication: Book
Place of publication: Prague
Number of pages: 136
Citation: JANEČEK, Petr. Folklor atomového věku. Kolektivně sdílené prvky expresivní kultury v soudobé české společnosti (Folklore of the Atomic Age. Collective Based Phenomena of Expressive Culture in Contemporary Czech Society). Vydání první. Prague: National Museum, 2011. 136 stran. ISBN 978-80-7036-315-7 (Národní muzeum) / 978-80-87398-11-1 (FHS UK).
Collective monograph published in collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University in Prague focuses on collective created and based and informally transmitted phenomena of expressive culture in contemporary Czech society on example of four socially and culturally distinctive groups: children, soldiers in compulsory military service, Czech tramps and members of musical subcultures. These groups – which can be alternatively labelled as subcultures, small social groups or folk groups – are analyzed with emphasis on their history, folklore repertoire and specific cultural traits, which differs them not only from the majority, but also from each other in geographical and chronological sense. The publication is supplemented by rich photographical documentation and text examples of modern folklore texts, games, customs, rituals and other cultural expressions from the second part of the 20th century until now.