Archiv svobody na zámku Schwarzenbergu. Příspěvek k historii československého exilu (Archives of Freedom at the Castle Schwarzenberg. Contribution to the history of the Czechoslovak exile)

Archiv svobody na zámku Schwarzenbergu. Příspěvek k historii československého exilu (Archives of Freedom at the Castle Schwarzenberg. Contribution to the history of the Czechoslovak exile)

Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-80-7036-302-7 (National Museum) / 978-80-904228-6-5 (ČSDS, o.p.s.)
Author(s): Jitka Hanáková
Publisher: National Museum
Type of publication: Book
Place of publication: Prague
Number of pages: 192
Citation: HANÁKOVÁ, Jitka. Archiv svobody na zámku Schwarzenbergu. Příspěvek k historii československého exilu (Archives of Freedom at the Castle Schwarzenberg. Contribution to the history of the Czechoslovak exile). Vydání první. Prague: National Museum, 2011. 192 stran. ISBN 978-80-7036-302-7 (National Museum) / 978-80-904228-6-5 (ČSDS, o.p.s.).

This volume has been published to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Documentation Centre for the Promotion of Independent Czechoslovak Literature (Československé dokumentační středisko nezávislé literatury, ČSDS). Using the large set of hitherto unpublished documents and illustrations it charts out the path that led to the establishment of one of the most important Czechoslovak exile institutions of the second half of the twentieth century, and it documents the efforts of a group of important exiles from the politics and the arts and sciences of Czechoslovakia, who were supported by allies at home and abroad. The publication outlines the stages of the activities and work of the ČSDS, from its being an operation run out of one man’s home to its becoming the non-profit organization that it is today, now firmly established amongst institutions of its kind around the world.

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