Preventive and remedial conservation methodology for the collection specimens falling within palaeontology and mineralogy endangered by sulphide degradation products

Preventive and remedial conservation methodology for the collection specimens falling within palaeontology and mineralogy endangered by sulphide degradation products

Year: 2015
ISBN: 978-80-7036-457-4
Author(s): Jan Sklenář et al.
Publisher: National Museum
Type of publication: Book
Place of publication: Prague
Number of pages: 172
Citation: AL., Jan Sklenář et. Preventive and remedial conservation methodology for the collection specimens falling within palaeontology and mineralogy endangered by sulphide degradation products . Vydání první. Prague: National Museum, 2015. 172 stran. ISBN 978-80-7036-457-4.

Sulphide degradation is a well-known difficulty of geoscience collections. Based on detailed research undertaken by a team of specialists of the Natural History Museum (National Museum, Prague), the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, and independent researchers, this handbook is the first to undertake a comprehensive approach to the problem. An intensive program of research was established, focused on degradation mechanisms, and factors influencing it. Formerly practiced methods were tested, and only effective ones selected. Many procedures are completely new for palaeontological and mineralogical conservation care purposes. The publication presents a thorough new system of procedures, from proper fieldwork for new specimens through remedial care for old, degraded specimens. The texts are accompanied by extensive illustrations showing conservatory procedures, and a pictorial atlas of sulphide minerals and degradation products. Area maps of types of sulphides labelled by process of origin, and a map of high-risk Czech localities are also attached. Algorithmic diagrams will help users choose suitable procedures, and understand their linkage. We believe this handbook will contribute to preservation of valuable collections under both institutional and private care. The handbook project was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic under NAKI DF12P01OVV031.

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