These collections will be available for reference in the study room of NM Historical Building:
- books from the central library (see list of available shelfmarks) - max. 10 documents a day
- manuscripts and early printed books (newly relocated from Terezin) - max 5 documents a day
- Czech National Revival and historical chapbook prints
Collections of Central Library Department:
Book expedition according the repositories:
- Book expedition from repozitory in Historical Building and National Museum New Building - shelfmarks 1-29, 33-100, 109-116; on Tuesday and Wednesday: during the day
- Central repozitory II in Terezín: shelfmarks 101-108, 133-200, 220-260, 300-309, 500-, Peruc P, R I-II, R V-VIII, R XIII, R XV-R XVI, S I-V, Umění - Expediton from Terezín repository is twice a month.
- Book collections: Akademické gymnázium, Arbes, Bačkovský, Bohatcová, Buzková, Čapek, Čelakovský, Danko, Denkstein, Destinnová, Dillinger, Dušek, Filippovová-Bašus, Frič, Fučík, Guth-Jarkovský, Harmonia, Harrach, Hasse, Hladký, Hofman, Höger, Hübnerová, Jagodina, Jelínek, Jiřincová, Kaláb, Kalašová, Knapp, Kraus, Krecar, Kvapil, Laichter, Lifka (Žďár STKN, ZAKN), Lukasík, Lützow, Mastný, Menhart, Müldner, Neruda, Normální škola, Nováček, Novák, Obrátil, Otto, Pelcl, Petr, Poláček, Polívka, Procházka, Regal, Resler, Schiller, Sokol, Sonberg, Srdce, Státní nakladatelství, Šimáček, Teige, Thomayer, Tůma, Vilímek, Voborník, Volf, Vrchotka, Wagner, Zachar, Zednářská knihovna, Zeyer, Zucker, Žikeš, Živný, Žižka. - Expediton from Terezín repository is twice a month.
Requests for manuscripts and early printed books, requests for reprographic services
Catalogues od National Museum Library
- The Central Catalogue of National Museum libraries
- Online catalog of the central library since 2002
- Scanned card catalogue – general author catalogue of the central library until 2001 - THE CATALOGUE IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE ONLY FROM NM STUDY ROOMS PLEASE, WRITE TO EMAIL: VYPUJCNIPROTOKOL@NM.CZ OR SEE RETRIS.
- Scanned card catalogue of the Journal Department until 2006
- Online catalogue of Journal Department from 2006
- Scanned catalogue of foreign language old prints of the NM Library
- Online catalogue of Czech early printed books
- František Michálek Bartoš: Soupis rukopisů Národního musea v Praze I,II = A List of the Manuscripts of the National Museum in Prague, Vol. 1.II. Praha 1926–1927 or digitized version on the web site of Centre for Medieval Studies (CMS), Institute of Philosophy.
Digital libraries
- Digital Library Kramerius 5
- Digitized manuscripts and early printed books in the digital library Manuscriptorium
- Provenio - Provenance Database of Book Owners
- eSbírky
Opening hours
Dear researchers,
on Tuesday, March 11, the reading room will be open from 2 PM to 6 PM.
Thank you.
It is now possible to enter the café in the NM Historical Building with the "Client of the National Museum Library" card, which can be picked up in the loan protocol.
tel.: 224 497 342
Petrásek Adam, Bc.
Deputy Head of The Department, Digital Reproduction Services, Permissions to Publish ImagesE-mail:
Phone: 224 497 158
Božovská Marta, Bc.
Librarian in the reading room and loan protocol, Interlibrary loanE-mail:
Phone: 224 497 652
Paroulek David
Digitization workplace, Webmaster of NMLE-mail:
Phone: 224 497 339
Richterová Helena
Librarian in the reading room and loan protocolE-mail:
Phone: 224 497 662
Straková Blažena
Librarian in the reading room and loan protocolE-mail:
Phone: 224 497 653
Související badatelny
- National Museum Library – Study Room in the Central Repository II in Terezín For collections of the Book Culture Department and Bohemian periodicals issued after 2000, Slovak periodicals issued up to 1992 will be available here. The study room is open by appointment only. Wi-fi Internet access.
- National Museum Library – study room of the Journal Department Bohemian periodicals – newspapers and magazines, which were and are issued in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Slovakia to 1992 will be available here.
- Department of Theater history, History museum – study rooms