

ISSN : 0029-6074
Editor in Chief : Mgr. Lenka Vacinová, Ph.D.
In the period from January 13, 2025 to January 20, 2025, the e-shop will be out of order for operational reasons.

Nové exempláře moravského denáru Břetislava I. C 301 z hradiště Vraclav / New Moravian deniers of the C 301 type struck under Břetislaus I and found at the Vraclav hillfort

Two fragments of extraordinarily rare Moravian deniers of the C 301 type struck under Břetislaus I before 1030 were found during archaeological surface examinations at the Vraclav hillfort (Ústí nad Orlicí district, Pardubice region) in 2006–2016. There is the name of Břetislaus without his princely…

Nález českých a míšeňských brakteátů z Natternbergu (místní část města Deggendorf, Dolní Bavorsko) / Hoard of Bohemian and Meissen bracteates found in Natternberg (local part of Deggendorf, Lower Bavaria)

Around 1950, during the forestry works near Natternberg (local part of Deggendorf, Lower Bavaria), some 26 bracteates were found. Only in 2012, the grandson of the finder reported the hoard and passed it for documentation to the Staatliche Münzsammlung München. Later on, the coins were returned to…

Pamětní mince vydané v roce 2016 / Commemorative coins issued in 2016

The Czech National Bank issued six commemorative coins in 2016. They are represented by three silver 200-crown pieces celebrating the following anniversaries: the 125th anniversary of the General Land Centennial Exhibition, the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Hradec Králové and the 450th birth…