V kůži posledního mluvčího. Gamifikace výstavy o jazykové diverzitě

Pages 22–34
DOI 10.37520/mmvp.2020.003
Keywords endangered languages, popularization, gamification, experiential learning, escape room
Citation VOKÁČOVÁ, Martina, JEHLIČKA, Jakub, BIČOVSKÝ, Jan a LEHEČKOVÁ, Eva. V kůži posledního mluvčího. Gamifikace výstavy o jazykové diverzitě. Museum: Museum and Regional Studies. Prague: National Museum, 2020, 58(1), 22–34. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37520/mmvp.2020.003. ISSN 1803-0386. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/mmars/58-1/v-kuzi-posledniho-mluvciho-gamifikace-vystavy-o-jazykove-diverzite
Museum: Museum and Regional Studies | 2020/58/1

In this paper, we deal with the presentation of the topics of the diversity, endangerment, extinction, documentation and preservation of the world’s languages to the primary and secondary school students via experiential education. We present an interactive exhibition titled “Linguistic biosphere” accompanied by an escape game “The last speaker”. The exhibition and the escape game were organized by the educational platform Library of Languages for the 2019 European Day of Languages festival in Kampus Hybernská. The paper describes how the current approaches to linguistic diversity and the principles of experiential learning theory and gamification were utilized in the design of the particular components of the exhibition and the escape game.

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