Příprava stálých expozic Národního muzea 2011–2020

Pages 3-8
DOI 10.37520/mmvp.2019.010
Keywords National Museum, permanent exhibitions, public procurement, exhibition preparation
Type of Article Peer-reviewed
Citation STEHLÍK, Michal a BRŮHA, Petr. Příprava stálých expozic Národního muzea 2011–2020. Museum: Museum and Regional Studies. Prague: National Museum, 2019, 57(2), 3-8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37520/mmvp.2019.010. ISSN 1803-0386. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/mmars/57-2/priprava-stalych-expozic-narodniho-muzea-20112020
Museum: Museum and Regional Studies | 2019/57/2

The paper introduces and analyses the preparation process of the new permanent exhibitions of the National Museum. The aspects included are the preparation management, the process of establishing definitions and the covered topics, the public procurement administration and finally the realization. The focal point is the connection between the theory and the practice of the years 2011–2020. For that reason the paper covers the practical, organizational and administrative parts of the process.

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