Earless Diceros bicornis in the Etosha National Park, Namibia (Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae) [Ušíprostí nosorožci černí (Diceros bicornis) v Národním parku Etoša, Namibie (Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae)]

Pages 213-218
DOI 10.37520/lynx.2020.014
Keywords Black rhinoceros, syndrome of ear pinnae absence, southern Africa
Type of Article Peer-reviewed
Citation BENDA, Petr, ČERVENÝ, Jaroslav, EISEB, Seth J. a UHRIN, Marcel. Earless Diceros bicornis in the Etosha National Park, Namibia (Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae) [Ušíprostí nosorožci černí (Diceros bicornis) v Národním parku Etoša, Namibie (Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae)]. Lynx, new series. Prague: National Museum, 2020, 51(1), 213-218. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37520/lynx.2020.014. ISSN 0024-7774 (print), 1804-6460 (online). Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/lns/51-1/earless-diceros-bicornis-in-the-etosha-national-park-namibia-perissodactyla-rhinocerotidae-usiprosti-nosorozci-cerni-diceros-bicornis-v-narodnim-parku-etosa-namibie-perissodactyla-rhinocerotidae
Lynx, new series | 2020/51/1

The syndrome of ear pinnae absence was recorded in three individuals of the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) among 71 observed (4.2%) in the Etosha National Park, Namibia, during eight visits in 2013–2020. In two cases, the syndrome comprised bilateral absence of the pinna and certain damage of the tail, while in one case, only unilateral lack of the ear pinna was recorded without any damage of the other pinna and tail.

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