Influence of some methodological modifications on trapping efficiency and mortality of small terrestrial mammals (Rodentia) [Vplyv niektorých metodických modifikácií na efektivitu odchytu a mortalitu drobných zemných cicavcov (Rodentia)]

Pages 167–173
Citation LEŠO, Peter a KROPIL, Rudolf. Influence of some methodological modifications on trapping efficiency and mortality of small terrestrial mammals (Rodentia) [Vplyv niektorých metodických modifikácií na efektivitu odchytu a mortalitu drobných zemných cicavcov (Rodentia)]. Lynx, new series. Prague: National Museum, 2010, 41(1), 167–173. ISSN 0024-7774 (print), 1804-6460 (online). Also available from:
Lynx, new series | 2010/41/1

Live trapping of small terrestrial mammals was carried out in a mature fir-beech forest. Influence of trap type, bait type and frequency of checks on trapping effectiveness and mortality was examined. Two dominant rodent species Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus were used as model animals. The mean effectiveness of the Chmela-type live traps reached 37.27%. On the contrary, the effectiveness of pitfalls was only 0.56%. An extremely low number of shrews was captured using both trap types. Trapping efficiency was similar for dry cat food and rolled oats, regardless of the rodent species. Apodemus flavicollis showed a significant difference in trapping frequency between day and night. The activity of Myodes glareolus was more even. Both species showed a higher mean number of individuals captured from sunset to midnight than from midnight to sunrise. Mortality of the model species was 5–17 times lower when carrying out four checks per day in comparison to the standard number of two checks.

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