Dynamics of the Pleistocene bat fauna from the Matuzka Paleolithic site (Northern Caucasus, Russia) (Chiroptera)

Pages 229-240
Citation WOLOSZYN, Bronislaw W., BARYSHNIKOV, Gennadiy F. a ROSSINA, Valentina V.. Dynamics of the Pleistocene bat fauna from the Matuzka Paleolithic site (Northern Caucasus, Russia) (Chiroptera). Lynx, new series. Prague: National Museum, 2006, 37(1), 229-240. ISSN 0024-7774 (print), 1804-6460 (online). Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/lns/37-1/dynamics-of-the-pleistocene-bat-fauna-from-the-matuzka-paleolithic-site-northern-caucasus-russia-chiroptera
Lynx, new series | 2006/37/1

The upper Pleistocene sedimentary series in Matuzka cave (northern Caucasus) covering a period from MIS6 to MIS2 provided remains of 18 species of bats. The bat record is particularly rich in the layers corresponding to Eemian and early Vistulian. It is characterized with appearance of thermophilous elements Rhinolophus ferrumeqiunum and Miniopterus schreibersii and a broad spectrum of taxa including dendrophilous and demanding elements such as Plecotus auritus, Myotis brandtii, M. emarginatus, M. nattereri and M. blythii. The lithophilous forms Eptesicus serotinus, Vespertilio murinus and Nyctalus noctula appear continuously in all layers and represent a dominant component of the assemblage. In Eemian layers they are supplemented also with Hypsugo savii and Pipistrellus cf. kuhlii which absent from the upper layers while Pipistrellus pipistrellus appear as late as in the Early Holocene.

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