ISSN : 1802-6842 (print), 1802-6850 (electronic)
Editor in Chief : RNDr. Jiřina Dašková, Ph.D. (Národní muzeum; Geol. ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.)
Editor in Chief : RNDr. Jiřina Dašková, Ph.D. (Národní muzeum; Geol. ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.)
Anuran interactions with the bromeliad Bromelia balansae in the Brazilian Pantanal
Jiří Moravec, Zilca Campos
Different frog-bromeliad associations are frequently reported from various habitats of Central and South America. Here, we present the first data on the association of two hylid species (Dendropsophus nanus and Scinax nasicus) with the bromeliad Bromelia balansae in the Brazilian Pantanal. Both…
Catalogue of the millipedes (Diplopoda) in Miller’s collection (Department of Zoology, National Museum, Prague, Czechia), part 2
Petr Dolejš, Pavel Kocourek
The present catalogue completes (as the second of the two parts) data for the millipede collection of Czech arachnologist František Miller (1902–1983), housed in the National Museum in Prague. This second part of the catalogue brings information on a total of 341 specimens belonging to 34 millipede…
Contribution to the study of frontal sinus familial similarity based on genealogically documented individuals (Bohemia, 19th to 20th centuries)
Jan Cvrček, Petr Velemínský
The issue of the influence of biological relatedness on frontal sinus patterns is still the subject of discussion. Research possibilities worldwide are however limited by the lack of genealogically documented skeletal remains. This study presents the results of analyses of seven identified 19th-20th…
Josef Ryš (1879–1960), pedagog, mineralog, sběratel a jeho sbírka minerálů v Národním muzeu v Praze
Helena Ulčová, Dalibor Velebil
Josef Ryš (* 1879, † 1960) was a high school professor at the Real School in Jevíčko, a prominent local researcher - mineralogist and head of the local physical education unit Sokol. Between 1909 and 1958, he published a total of 11 works on the geological and mineralogical conditions of the greater…
Občanská věda: její význam a motivace účastníků v návaznosti na projekt City Nature Challenge
Petra Caltová, František Tymr, Zdeňka Kulhavá, Vojtěch Tláskal
The present study discusses the importance of citizen science as a form of scientific research, defined by the participation of the general public. An important factor influencing the success of these projects, although still little studied, is the participants‘ motivation. Based on the results of a…
Type specimens of Birds in the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali (Torino, Italy)
Giorgio Aimassi, Claudio Pulcher, Luca Ghiraldi
Since the 1990s, the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino houses the ornithological collection formerly belonging to the Zoological Museum of the University of Turin (MZUT). This collection includes about 20,500 specimens, mostly dating from the second half of the nineteenth century or…
Monitoring of visitors in museum exhibitions
Martin Drahanský, Ivo Macek, Tomáš Goldmann
The article describes historical and existing technologies for monitoring visitors in museum exhibitions. A proposal for a new solution is also included. These technologies mainly include wireless radio technologies (Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, UWB, RFID), while our idea of monitoring is based on the…
One night in San Marino
Petr Benda, Marcel Uhrin
During several hours of acoustic survey of bats in Borgo Maggiore, San Marino, on 30 August 2020, foraging activity of at least six bat species was recorded. Five of them (Eptesicus serotinus, Hypsugo savii, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, P. kuhlii, and Tadarida teniotis) are common and widespread…
Neobvyklý nález zlatohlávka v rakvi biskupa Františka Petra Krejčího (1796–1870)
Dominik Vondráček, Jan Cvrček
Exhumation of human remains during miscellaneous research is a common procedure used by anthropologists, including those from National Museum in Prague. Insect remnants, especially puparia of Diptera, are regularly found in cadavers extracted from coffins or tombs, but an unusual find was made…
Ornitologická sbírka otce a syna Václavů Tichých: zásadní přírůstek Národního muzea
Jan Hušek
New specimens for vertebrate museum collections are most commonly supplied by zoos and wildlife rescue stations. It is rather uncommon that large private vertebrate collections are donated or sold to natural history museums. At the end of 2018, the National Museum took advantage of a unique…
Botanické putování jižním Vietnamem za současníky Cyrila a Metoděje
Otakar Šída, Romana Rybková, Vlastik Rybka
Výhled na Manhattan v Národním muzeu?
Miroslava Burianová, Jiřina Dašková, Eva Dittertová, Lucie Kodišová
200 let vědecké paleobotaniky
Jiří Kvaček
In the year 2020, we celebrate 200 years of scientific palaeobotany, and 200 years since the issue of the first part of the Sternberg Flora der Vorwelt. Kašpar Sternberg (1761–1838) is considered to be the principal founder of scientific palaeobotany besides Adolf Brongniart and Fridricha A.…
Vzpomínka na Ottokara Nickerla (1838–1920)
Jiří Tichota, Jan Liška, Jan Šumpich
As of 2020, 100 years will have passed since the death of Dr. Ottokar Nickerl, a pioneer of Czech applied entomology. It is on this occasion that we seek to remember his significant impact on the science and culture of Bohemia. In 1872, Nickerl co-founded the entomological department established as…
Rok 2019 v odděleních Přírodovědeckého muzea NM
Jiřina Dašková, František Bouda, Jaroslav Cepák, Jan Cvrček, Sylva Drtikolová Kaupová, Jiří Hájek, Petra Havelková, Jan Holec, Miriam Kuchaříková, Vítězslav Kuželka, Jiří Kvaček, Jiří Sejkora, Lukáš Sekerka, Jan Sklenář, Lada Syrovátková, Radek Šanda, Markéta Šandová, Otakar Šída, Jiří Šmíd, Dalibor Velebil, Petr Velemínský, Jan Wagner, Petr Zehnálek