Why was the ancient city of Wad Ben Naga, Sudan, built of bricks? Geological evidence

Pages 29-34
Citation VACEK, F., DAŠKOVÁ, J. a ONDERKA, P.. Why was the ancient city of Wad Ben Naga, Sudan, built of bricks? Geological evidence. Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series. Prague: National Museum, 2013, 182(1), 29-34. ISSN 1802-6842 (print), 1802-6850 (electronic). Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/jotnmpnhs/182-1/why-was-the-ancient-city-of-wad-ben-naga-sudan-built-of-bricks-geological-evidence
Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series | 2013/182/1

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