Vývoj správy a organizace Národního muzea v letech 1891–1914

Pages 65–89
Citation ROSOLOVÁ, Iveta . Vývoj správy a organizace Národního muzea v letech 1891–1914. Journal of the National Museum. History Series. Prague: National Museum, 2014, 183(1-2), 65–89. ISSN 1214-0627. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/jotnmhs/183-1-2/vyvoj-spravy-a-organizace-narodniho-muzea-v-letech-18911914
Journal of the National Museum. History Series | 2014/183/1-2

The aim of this paper, which comes primarily from the material of the Archives of the National Museum, is to chart the development of management and internal organization of the National Museum between 1891 and 1914. After moving to the new building, whose construction and operations were funded from provincial funds, there was a change in the proportion from originally a private company to the provincial administration. Closely related was development of the National Museum operation financing and at the same time there were changes in the internal organizational structure. Departments were reorganized or the new ones were created, personnel changes, new instructions for staff, adjustment of the wages and pensions, a new function of the collection auditors, an advisory body were newly Commissions, etc. The paper also marginally follows the relationship between National Museum of the Czech Academy of Franz Josef for science, art and rhetoric and provincial archives, particularly in relation to the co-existence in one building. The paper does not attend to the development of the bodies which operate within a limited period at the National Museum (archaeological, natural, ecclesiastical, Matice Česká, etc.).

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