Archiv Národního muzea představuje: Osobní fondy Antonína Friče a Bohuslava Jiruše1

Pages 73–85
Citation PAŘÍZKOVÁ, Kateřina . Archiv Národního muzea představuje: Osobní fondy Antonína Friče a Bohuslava Jiruše1. Journal of the National Museum. History Series. Prague: National Museum, 2013, 182(1-2), 73–85. ISSN 1214-0627. Also available from:
Journal of the National Museum. History Series | 2013/182/1-2

Two major figures who worked in the service of the National Museum at the end of the 19th century, and both of whom left their written estates in the museum archives, documenting their professional development and career progression in the museum. Antonín Frič began in the museum as a student of law and was eager to provide help free of charge in ordering, and especially growing the natural collections when they were still in the old museum on Na Příkopě. Sixty years later, he ended his work for the museum as an university professor and director of the zoological and paleontological collection of the Museum of the Kingdom of Bohemia. At that time, he was very reluctant to hand over his collection to his successor. The second figure is nobleman, Professor Dr. Bohuslav Jiruš. His work at the museum during his student years is not documented, but since he studied at the medical faculty, we can assume that he did work there. He began working for the Museum of the Kingdom of Bohemia as an elected member of the governing commission, when he was Professor of Botany and Pharmacology, working as an inspector of the botany collections, and he was subsequently repeatedly elected as Secretary until his death.

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