Morphology and affinities of Carya costata hickory nuts from the Oligocene of Bohemia

Pages 154–160
DOI 10.37520/fi.2024.013
Keywords Hickory nuts, Juglandaceae, micro-CT scanning, molds, casts, Alnus, Symplocos
Type of Article Peer-reviewed
Citation MANCHESTER, Steven R. a KVAČEK, Jiří. Morphology and affinities of Carya costata hickory nuts from the Oligocene of Bohemia. Fossil Imprint / Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series B – Historia Naturalis. Prague: National Museum, 2024, 80(1), 154–160. DOI: ISSN 2533-4050 (tisk), 2533-4069 (online). Also available from:
Fossil Imprint / Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series B – Historia Naturalis | 2024/80/1

We reinvestigated type material and subsequently collected fossil nuts of Carya costata (C.Presl ex Unger) Unger based on type material from the Oligocene of western Bohemia. These specimens are older than most occurrences of C. ventricosa (C.Presl ex Brongn.) Unger which has its type locality in the Miocene of Salzhausen, Germany. Although preserved only as molds and casts in tuffaceous volcanoclastic siltstone, micro-CT scanning indicates that the morphology of C. costata is nearly identical to that of C. ventricosa. The preservation of these nuts as 3-dimensional molds retains evidence of gnawing indicating that, as today, hickory nuts were an important food source for mammals and/or birds of the Oligocene.

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