Metric characteristics of ursid cheek teeth from Za Hájovnou Cave (Javoříčko Karst, the Czech Republic) and its taxonomical implication.

Pages 71-90
Citation WAGNER, Jan. Metric characteristics of ursid cheek teeth from Za Hájovnou Cave (Javoříčko Karst, the Czech Republic) and its taxonomical implication. Fossil Imprint / Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series B – Historia Naturalis Prague: National Museum, 2014, 70(1-2), 71-90. ISSN 2533-4050 (tisk), 2533-4069 (online). Also available from:
Fossil Imprint / Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series B – Historia Naturalis | 2014/70/1-2

Teeth material of bears from Za Hájovnou Cave was analysed in detail and determined as Ursus cf. deningeri from the Middle Pleistocene sample and as Ursus gr. spelaeus from the Late Pleistocene sample. On the basis of their metric characteristics, the Middle Pleistocene bears are at the evolutionary level of Early/Middle Toringian representatives of the spelaeoid lineage. No trends between MIS 11 and MIS 9 taxonomical units were found.

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