Educational Prints at the Náprstek Museum

Pages 75–94
DOI 10.1515/anpm-2018-0006
Keywords educational posters, London, Vojta Náprstek, Náprstek Museum
Type of Article Materialia
Citation SECKÁ, Milena. Educational Prints at the Náprstek Museum. Annals of the Náprstek Museum. Prague: National Museum, 2018, 39(1), 75–94. DOI: ISSN 0231-844X (print), 2533-5685 (online). Also available from:
Annals of the Náprstek Museum | 2018/39/1

Collections of the National Museum – Naprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures include a set of 355 educational images printed on cloth and hand-coloured. They were published by the Working Men’s Educational Union based in London to accompany public lectures for British workers, and purchased by Vojta Naprstek in 1862 during his visit to the World Exposition in London for an industrial museum he had planned. Topics of the prints come from natural sciences (astronomy, anatomy, fauna, flora, physics, geology) as well as humanities (archaeology, ethnology, history, theology). A collection of this size has not been preserved anywhere else in the Czech lands.

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