ISSN : 0231-844X (print), 2533-5685 (online)
Editor in Chief : Jiří Honzl (executive editor)
Editor in Chief : Jiří Honzl (executive editor)
The Gift of "Darkness" (kkw). THe Dark Waters of the Nile Inundation in Hydrological Processions of the Ptolemaic and Roman Era
Filip Coppens
The article takes a closer look at a specific feature of the Nile, and more in particular an aspect of its life bringing inundation known to the ancient Egyptian priests as Keku (“Darkness”). This facet of the inundation occurs seven times among the gifts brought by offering bearers in hydrological…
Social Life of Currencies from Near Oceania: Types of Currencies and its Use
Martin Soukup
The objective of the paper is to provide an overview of currencies used by natives of Near Oceania in relation to three principal ways of its use. The author explains three main functions of currencies from Near Oceania on selected examples. The three main functions are as follows: standardized…
De-Contextualisation or Re-Contextualisation: Tibetan Buddhism in the Náprstek Museum
Helena Heroldová
The study based on the preparation of Přiběh Tibetu [The Story of Tibet] exhibition in the Naprstek Museum focuses on the de-contextualisation of Tibetan Buddhism objects in the museum setting. It deals with the stages of the decontextualisation process from the removing of the original material…
Daneš the Collector: Pacific Journeys of J. V. Daneš and his Collection in the Náprstek Museum
Gabriela Jungová
J. V. Daneš (1880–1928) was not only an outstanding figure of his time in the international scientific community, but also a diplomat and a traveller. Two of his overseas trips led him to Australia and the Pacific region, where he assembled a remarkable collection of ethnographic objects and…
Jaroslav Šejnoha and Egypt
Pavel Onderka
In 2012, the National Museum – Naprstek Museum accessioned a collection of 13 Egyptian antiquities from the original ownership of Jaroslav Šejnoha, who served as the Czechoslovak Ambassador to Egypt between 1944 and 1946. The collection consists of 13 highly interesting pieces, dating of which spans…
A Collection of African Red Slip Ware in the Náprstek Museum
Vlastimil Vrtal
A group of six specimens of Late Roman pottery from the region of North Africa forms part of collections of the Naprstek Museum. The group comprises of vessels from several different functional types, forming a representative sample of the pottery production of the region. The paper discusses the…
Chilean Infant Mummy in the Collections of the Náprstek Museum: Antropological Analysis
Gabriela Jungová, Jakub Pečený
This paper reports conclusions from an anthropological analysis of a mummy bundle from the Azapa Valley in northern Chile. The mummy was acquired by Dr. Vaclav Šolc in 1966–1967. The bundle was examined with the use of computed tomography (CT) and the results were compared to unpublished findings…
Preliminary Report on the Thirteenth Excavation Season of the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga
Pavel Onderka, Vlastimil Vrtal, Alexander Gatzsche
The thirteenth excavation season of the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga focused on archaeological exploration of the Typhonium (WBN 200) and the nearby cemetery WBN C200, as well as on conservation of structures located in Central Wad Ben Naga.