

ISSN : 0231-844X (print), 2533-5685 (online)
Editor in Chief : Jiří Honzl (executive editor)
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Public Presentation of Non-european Cultures at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Part 1: An Analysis of the Collection of Vráz‘s Glass Slides in the Photographic Collections of the Náprstek Museum

The way in which the Czech public in the late 19th and early 20th centuries learned about exotic lands was primarily dependent on travellers‘ abilities to present their findings in literature or to mediate their experiences directly, by means of lectures. From the 1890s onwards, lectures were…

The Crown of the Divine Child in the Meroitic Kingdom. A Typological Study

The crown of the divine child was one of the headdresses that transferred from Egypt to the Meroitic Kingdom. It was integrated in the Egyptian decoration program in the early Ptolemaic time. The first king of Meroe to use this crown in the decoration of the Lion Temple in Musawwarat es-Sufra was…

Shabti of King’s Mother Tasheretenese

A shabti of Tasheretenese, mother of King Amasis of the late Twenty-Sixth Dynasty, was recently identified in the collections of the National Museum – Náprstek Museum, Prague. The shabti belongs to the class of larger shabtis of the Late Period inscribed with the Chapter Six of the Book of the Dead.…