Inventory of Rock Inscriptions from Naga el-Girgawi in the Náprstek Museum

Pages 89–103
DOI 10.37520/anpm.2024.003
Keywords UNESCO International Campaign to Nubia, rock inscriptions, Naga el-Girgawi
Type of Article Materialia
Citation ONDERKA, Pavel. Inventory of Rock Inscriptions from Naga el-Girgawi in the Náprstek Museum. Annals of the Náprstek Museum. Prague: National Museum, 2024, 45(1), 89–103. DOI: ISSN 0231-844X (print), 2533-5685 (online). Also available from:
Annals of the Náprstek Museum | 2024/45/1

Following its participation in the UNESCO International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Lower Nubia, the Czechoslovak Institute of Egyptology received a donation of a share of finds acquired during its course by the Egyptian government. These objects are presently kept as a part of the collections of the Naprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures. Most of the finds from the UNESCO campaign have already been thoroughly examined and published. A set of several rock inscriptions removed from the area of Naga el-Girgawi, located a few kilometres downstream from Korosko, was published by Zbyněk Žaba in his publication titled The Rock Inscriptions of Lower Nubia. (Czechoslovak Concession) in 1974. However, this publication is lacking, due to objective reasons, a proper correlation with the Naprstek Museum's inventory. The aim of this paper is to supplement the original publication in this regard as well as provide further documentation of the pieces.

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