Karel Sabina and Sixt Palma Močidlanský

Pages 78–83
DOI 10.1515/amnpsc-2017-0011
Keywords Karel Sabina – Sixt Palma Močidlanský – Ondřej Mizera – Henyk of Valdštejn – Prague – Dobrovice – Czech literature – 19th century – Czech history – 17th century – literary-historical research – censorship in Bohemia
Type of Article Non-peer reviewed
Citation TURKOVÁ, Helga. Karel Sabina and Sixt Palma Močidlanský. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum. Prague: National Museum, 2017, 62(1-2), 78–83. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1515/amnpsc-2017-0011. ISSN 2570-6861 (Print), 2570-687X (Online). Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/amnphl/62-1-2/karel-sabina-and-sixt-palma-mocidlansky
Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum | 2017/62/1-2

The historical story Book of Fate, published by Karel Sabina (1813–1877) in the magazine Květy (Flowers) in 1866, deals with censorship in Bohemia at the beginning of the 17th century. In the romantic tale, Karel Sabina has combined the stories of two printers, Sixt Palma Močidlanský (approximately 1569–1617) and Ondřej Mizera Jarovský (†1616), both of whom were known for various censorship scandals. In 1602, Palma was imprisoned and then expelled from Bohemia. The innocent Mizera was even executed in 1616 by Henyk of Valdštejn (1568–1623), the owner of the printing workshop at Dobrovice Castle. The article has revealed what sources Sabina may have used for his work, in which historical figures appear as well. It has even compared the fates of the writer Karel Sabina and the bookprinter Sixt Palma, authors of the 19th and 17th centuries.

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