Otec a syn v třetím odboji. Případ Františka a Milana Pouskových [František and Milan Pouska: Father and Son in Third Resistance Movement]

Pages 49-58
Citation KOPECKÝ, Lukáš. Otec a syn v třetím odboji. Případ Františka a Milana Pouskových [František and Milan Pouska: Father and Son in Third Resistance Movement]. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia. Prague: National Museum, 2016, 70(3-4), 49-58. ISSN 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online). Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/amnph/70-3-4/otec-a-syn-v-tretim-odboji-pripad-frantiska-a-milana-pouskovych-frantisek-and-milan-pouska-father-and-son-in-third-resistance-movement
Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia | 2016/70/3-4

Both František and Milan Pouska entered the Czechoslovak history of the 20th century, however today they are already completely forgotten. František – a hero of the Czechoslovak legion in Russia, first republic officer, anti-Nazi resistance fighter and a member of the third resistance movement – spent ten years in prisons. His son, Milan Pouska (1922–1951) – a lieutenant of the Czechoslovak army and a prisoner of the communist regime – was shot treacherously by a superintendent of prisoners in forced labor camp Horní Slavkov on 11th April 1951.

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